Beautiful CSS 3D Transform Examples

CSS 3D transforms create depth and visually interesting elements on your page using perspective. Copy over the examples and make them your own!

All the examples below have just a single div, so they're easy to implement in your own project, fill with a background color or HTML content. Examples made with Polypane, the browser for developers and designers.

3D Transform #1 by Modulz


3D Transform #2 by MagicPattern

hover shadow

3D Transform #3 by Cloudflare

hover shadow

3D Transform #4 by Polypane

hover shadow

3D Transform #5 by Wozber


3D Transform #6 by Draftbit

hover shadow

3D Transform #7 by Feyapp


3D Transform #8 by DocSpo

hover shadow

3D Transform #9 by Framer

3D Transform #10 by akhil_001 on CodePen

hover shadow

3D Transform #11 by Augmented UI

hover shadow

3D Transform #12 by Flip by Pqina

hover shadow

3D Transform #13 by hqdrone on CodePen
